Internet Cafe
Computer Repair
Updates and Upgrades
Keeping up with the computer world can be tough, especially since new programs come out constantly. If you don't know much about computers, it's even harder. Thankfully, the staff at Internet Cafe can help you upgrade and update your computer so you won't fall behind.
Not only can we update your computer so you have the latest in software updates, but we can also help you set up wireless Internet networks and upgrade your memory so your laptop or computer can run faster and smoother.
• Wireless connections & networking
• Computer security & updates
• Software updates & installation
• Memory upgrades
• Data backup
Memory UpgradeA memory upgrade can help out a computer a lot more than you think. It helps the computer operate more efficiently, programs both small and large can run at the same time. Random Access Memory (RAM) is information that can be stored and retrieved in any order and is very important to a computer's operation. As an owner of a computer, you should find out how much RAM you actually have. For a personal computer, you should have at least:
512MB for Windows XP
2GB for Windows Vista
4GB for Windows 7
4GB for Windows 8
If you want your computer to be faster and run smoother, you are going to need more. More is better.
When is it time to upgrade?
If your computer isn't fast enough - UPGRADE
If you want to multitask - UPGRADE
If you want to game - UPGRADE
If programs are not running fast enough - UPGRADE
Upgrading your memory is a cheapest and easy way to make your computer run better and faster than it did before. Do not settle for the amount of RAM that came with the computer when you bought it. Upgrade it and make it better.
Computer Repair

If your laptop is running slow, we can fix it up for you in no time. Be sure to bring your computers and laptops in for tune-ups to avoid further problems.
Hardware and Software
Hardware is the tangible part of technology. The parts on the computer that you can see, touch, and inevitably damage in one way or another is the hardware. It consists of the motherboard (main computer), the power supply unit (PSU), removable media devices, secondary storage, and the sound card. The five categories of hardware are
Examples: keyboard, mouse, trackball, game controller, microphone, video camera,
light pen, touch screen
Examples: microprocessor, memory (BIOS, main memory, cache memory)
Examples: monitors, video adapters, printers, plotters, speakers
Examples: hard drives, floppy disk drives, CD-ROM drives, DVD drives, high capacity removable media drives
Examples: modems, network interface cards and wireless cards
Some hardware problems that can occur are ones where something stops working such as the mouse stops moving, monitors can start displaying incorrectly or not display anything at all, or the printer could have a jam or needs a part replacement. There could be an error on start-up, the hard drive can crash, or the computer might not even turn on due to a hardware problem. These problems can cause major disasters for you or your business. We will work on whatever problems that might arise.
System Software:
This operates the computer hardware and is the most visible part of software. Examples of system software are Windows, Mac OS, and Linux. The Operating System (OS) is a crucial part of computers. It is the part of the computer that does all of the behind-the-scenes work
Software consists of the computer programs and data that instructs the hardware how it needs to work and what it needs to produce such as audio and visuals.
A program is generically known as "software." The programs that users work with, such as word processors and spreadsheets, are called "applications" or "application programs" or simply "apps." Thus, the terms software, application, program and instruction are synonymous in the sense that they all tell the computer what to do.
All of these types of software work together and play a crucial role in your daily computer usage. You can have all of the top of the line hardware, but without these main software programs, your computer would be useless.
Tune - Ups
Clean up computer files, registry, update computer security, and check for viruses and malware.
Whether you are taking care of your car, your home, or your computer – regular maintenance is necessary for all of those things to keep running properly. If you would like your computer to run the way that it can or the way that it should, you are going to have to tune it up and keep it up-to-date. Regular maintenance can be overlooked easily, but it should not be because of all the problems that can arise.
Software needs to be updated regularly or you can face problems with your computer that you might not normally face. Your computer can become less protected and a lot slower if you are not maintaining it the way that you should be maintaining it. A tune-up will keep your computer at a high performance level. Why have a computer that is not going to perform to its full potential? Cleaning is another way to tune-up your computer. Just by taking compressed air to the keyboard or other parts of the computer will help its longevity.
Defragmentation is another updating process that reorganizes your computer's files into your system so that your computer will run quicker and smoother. A quick tune-up like this can help out you and your computer tremendously and make your life on the computer a lot easier.
Laptop and Computer Repair
On average, we tend to repair more laptops than PCs. Whether it's a broken laptop screen, keyboard, dead battery, power supply, hard drive or memory upgrade, we can definitely repair it. As always, we give you a computer repair assessment and price of what it will cost up front
Just like desktops, laptops also have a lot of potential for things to go wrong, if not more, since there is more going on in such a small space. Similar problems can occur in laptops such as problems with the motherboard, the screen / monitor, keyboard, or battery. Then there are some problems that mainly happen to laptops. Problems that mostly occur with laptops and not desktops are overheating and liquid spills. Overheating occurs because the fan is not as large as a desktops so the heat cannot escape as easily. Also with laptops you can take them anywhere or where the name says you take it – to your lap. The fan is usually on the side and can be blocked by a blanket, a coat, or your leg. If you do not have a cooling fan underneath your laptop when it is somewhere else other than your desk, it will become extremely hot. Liquid spills tend to occur a lot more with laptops because of the same reason, you can take them anywhere.
Do not be frustrated by a problem that occurred with your laptop and do not let your laptop just sit there when we can fix the problem for you. Mistakes happen, but there are people out there like us that can help. Let us repair your laptop so you are able to get back to work immediately. Whether the problems are mechanical errors or human errors, they can be fixed.