Internet Cafe
Computer Repair
Diagnosis - $25.00
Inspect computer and prepare a qupte for any work done.
CheckUp - $25.00
Clean up computer files, registry, update windows, check for malware and viruses.
Virus Removal - $65.00
Remove all viruses and malware, update system files and clean registry.
Virus and Data Backup - $145.00
Backup ALL personal data to customers media (i.e. Flash Drive, or Hard Drive)
System Reload / Factory Restore $125.00
Reload Operating System, install all updates, and install customers software.
Only liscensed software can be installed.
Computer Repair
​Cafe Useage
At the Internet Cafe we are well equipped to help fix your computer or laptop so you dont have to go long without them.
Check out all of the services which are listed below, along with the fair price to accommodate your needs. Get the service you need and at a price you'll like.
Internet cafe thinks of you first, your needs, and your wallets!
.10c Per Minute ($1.00 minimum)
$5.00 Per Hour
$25.00 Per Month - 2 hour limit daily
Printing -
Color - .45c Per Page
Black & White - .15c Per Page
Scan to email -
.50c Per Page
Scanning - $1.00
per graphic / document
$5.00 for 6 graphics / documents
Typing -
$8.00 Per Page
Blank Cd -
$2.00 each
OutBound Fax -
$1.50 First Page .75c Each additional Page
Incoming Fax -
.50c Per Page
Overseas Fax -
$6.00 First Page $1.50 Each Additional Page